Journal Entries


god is sitting on the queen's head everytime she puts on her crown
robert plant is dead, long live robert plant
- robert plant
hum, i quite like this.
i am official court artist.
i am going to go shopping.
one day i shall see a planet.
i want a telescope.
isn't it ironic that the man who invented jogging died of a heart attack?
what i'm doing now:
laugh and have a good time.

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Latest reply: Feb 23, 2008

hah (but not soon)

hahdly hah hah!!! smiley - laugh
(that's pronounced hardly har har in case you were wondering)
i wonder. smiley - hug
i like to say rudonculous. smiley - erm
rofl, lol, lmao etc are stupid. especially when people say them. why not just roll around on the actual floor laughing? smiley - somersault (that's a somersault bu the way)
i like smileys though. smiley - biggrin
how random.

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Latest reply: Feb 19, 2008

I never really got the idea that anyone would want to read about my boring life

I never really got the idea of writing journals and blogs on the internet, so people can read about what I've been doing.
I don't particularly want to read about other people so why would they want to read about me?smiley - erm
But someone might so *shrug* (there doesn't seem to be a shrug smiley)
Went to a circus/theatre/dance thing today. was very good. smiley - star
called au revoire parapluie (please excuse spelling mistakes in french)
going to see joanna newsom soonish
and i have to put this in just because it's so cool and i do love doctor who smiley - tardis
and of course any organised hitchhiker smiley smiley - towel needs to know where his towel is

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Latest reply: Jan 17, 2008

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