Journal Entries


As I'm a first year student, currently living in Uni. halls, I have to find a house to live in next year. As almost everyone on our floor wants to stay together (14 of us!!!), it's a little difficult. Last weekend, a few people went into Leamington to look, and found three good houses that are really close to each other. One for 4 people and two for 5.
On Tuesday evening, we spent about 2 hours sorting out who was going to live with who - it took about 5 different arrangements of people for EVERYONE to be happy with it. I ended up in one of the groups of 5.
Yesterday, my 'group' went to look at the house we *thought* we would be getting. However, while we were there we discussed the other group of 5 - they really wanted that house. So, when we got back to Uni, we said to them that if it really mattered that much, we would have the other house - so we have to go and look at that this afternoon.
If we like it (we should do, as some of the people who went last weekend saw it & liked it) we will sign on the dotted line @10am on Sat. morning. Wahey!!!

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Latest reply: Jan 20, 2000

Some annoying questions

Why is dyslexia so hard to spell?
Why is the word abbreviated so long?
Why is the word huge so short?
Why does nothing rhyme with orange?

If *anyone* answers with '42' I swear I'll scream!!!

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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2000

So much work!!!

Whew!! I've just spent a good two hours trying to make some headway on my programming assignment. I also spent at least an hour and a half thinking about how I might tackle the problem this afternoon. It's starting to do my head in!!!smiley - sadface
And I can't find everything I need in the lecture notes (even though it's probably in there somewhere, it'll be hiding away amidst a load of waffle...). I suppose I'll have to go to one of the tutorial sessions - more work smiley - sadface but I find out how to do what I need to do smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 18, 2000

Phew! What a relief!

Boy-o-boy! Am I glad that's over!

The exams weren't actually all that bad - the first one was pretty good (I think) and the second one was heaps better than I ever dared to hope that it would be.smiley - smiley

I just hope the results are as good as I hope they are...

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Latest reply: Jan 13, 2000

Aaaaargh!!! Exams!!!

Time to have a MAJOR panic - I've got an exam this afternoon!!

Actually, it's two exams, with the time spent (supposedly) evenly between the two. One of the exams should be alright - we have prepared 'crib' sheets, which we will have in the exam. These can have as much info. as we want relevant to the module on them. Pretty useful, huh??!!smiley - winkeye

However, it is not such a pretty story for the second exam - we have to learn EVERYTHING. There are absolutely LOADS of definitions, tests,standard results and proofs that we are supposed to know. I am reasonably comfortable with the definitions, and most of the standard results. I think I can remember most of the tests, but the proofs are a little beyond me.

I'll just have to hope for the best, and see how it goes...

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Latest reply: Jan 13, 2000

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