Leonard P Wainwright III - call me Leo

This is, of course a pseudonym. I am male, happily married with two teenage children. I have had this pen name in mind for the last 20 years, but have never yet had anything published. I use it now, partly because I am new to the GW website and a bit shy, and partly because I work in an area where writing stuff for publication can cause problems for the organisation I work for. I don't work for MI5 or anything like that, it is just that I am supposed to be (in public at least) politically impartial.

My job involves an awful lot of writing, but it is of the rather boring but necessary kind that is going on all the time in central and local government. However I do know I am very good at it. I have known that since my school days, and looking back, I can see that the only real ambition I have always had is to be "a Writer".

My ambition has, however, always remained just that until the last few years. For the last 10 years I have had a ridiculously long commute into work (almost) every day. However as most of the journey is on a comfortable inter-city train, I do use it (when not catching up on sleep) to knock out the occasional short story or article on a laptop. The time I have available means that I can knock out between 1,000 and 1,500 words each journey. Recently I have taken to trying to write a complete piece (fiction or non fiction) per journey, rather than trying to keep the thread of a longer composition over several sessions. Happily it appears that this is an ideal length for the Get Writing website, so I thought I would post a few of my compositions and have a look at what other people come up with.

I have had some really encouraging feedback from other GW members to my work, which I will leave on the site for the time being after the closure of GW at least until I have found time to migrate to Writers dock (www.writersdoc.co.uk in case you haven't found it yet).

My thanks should go to the unsung heroes at the BBC who thought up the GW site and made it such an impressive and inclusive tool for budding (and even blossoming) writers. I will say hello properly to the unsung heroes of writers dock as soon as I have got the hang of it over there.


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