This is the Message Centre for Tali

To: The Duchess of New Brunswick

Post 1

Dancing Ermine

Just a friendly neighbourhood "hi" from another member of the Court of Queen bluDragon.

Any time you want fortune seeking or fireworks done, I'm your researcher smiley - smiley

It seems you've fitted in fairly well so far but remember there's always room at the bar, I'm usually in the F&F pub at:

if you fancy a drink.

Bye smiley - smiley

To:Researcher 97644

Post 2


Thank you for the welcome. I have been dropping by the F&F from time to time as well as the Queen's Court. Maybe it's the time differences, but I seem to miss everybody when they are actually there. I hope you will excuse me if I seem out of time with all of you. I'm on the East coast of Canada. I keep trying to catch some of my fellow North Americans that I've met here. I'll catch on to the timing sooner or later. See you around.

To:Researcher 97644

Post 3

Dancing Ermine

I'm in the UK so there's only 5-6 hours difference and I tend to stay up late too. The F&F gets busy early afternoon your time 3-4 pm and stays that way for a couple of hours, a lot of the time it just depends on when Menza's in. I've been on a lot recently and will try to reply to postings as soon as possible but the time lag can be a problem

To:Researcher 97644

Post 4


I know what you mean. My computer use is sporadic. I use my mother's when I'm visiting. Lately it's pretty much every day. I work in a hotel banquet dept. and it is our slow time of year. Gives me lots of free time.

To:Researcher 97644

Post 5

Dancing Ermine

I've got exam period at the moment so I have a lot of free time hence being about here long enough to respond to people across the atlantic. Possibly have even more in the next couple of weeks as last exam's on monday.

To:Researcher 97644

Post 6


At least I haven't had to worry about exams since high school. I studied broadcasting for a while. It was interesting but not really a career I wanted to pursue. What are you studying?

To:Researcher 97644

Post 7

Dancing Ermine

Business Admin. I'm definitely going to put it up on my new page.

I'm still keeping my options open as regards future career. Specialisation doesn't need to start for another couple of years

To:Researcher 97644

Post 8


At least you have an idea of what you want to be when you grow up. I'm 28 and still trying to decide. I tried car sales for a while but it didn't work out. I'm too sympathetic.

To:Researcher 97644

Post 9

Dancing Ermine

The degree should be useful but the job I think I'd like at the moment would take years before I can get to it unfortunately. The course is good that I can have a couple of work placements before I finish to try certain jobs out to see if I like them

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