This is the Message Centre for Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!
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Is the Joker in?
shazzPRME Started conversation Jan 6, 2000
Hi there Joker I Just stopped by to return your visit
Now you need to get working on livening up your page There are lots of places/people who can help you if you need it
Start simple and work up LOL
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 6, 2000
I have been searching for just the right things to put on my page. So far I haven't seen anything I realy like. I want to put up a picture of myself( don't know if thats allowed.) but I'm not what you( well "I" anyhow) would call photogenic. Not sure realy what I want but I haven't seen anything great yet. I would like to put some "real" pictures up to show my tastes but I don't think they would fit and everyone else has just got basic little anim's and clip-art type pics. Give me some suggestions... please.
Is the Joker in?
shazzPRME Posted Jan 6, 2000
You most certainly can put up a pic of yourself...but try not to make it too big because of the load time! I take it that you know that you can't actually just *upload* a picture straight to h2g2 need a site of your own to put them on 1st...but there are plenty of people who will *loan* you web space if you need it!*Real* pictures are fine...don't take any notice of my page...I am just an anime freak as I think I told you!
Do you have icq btw?? A very useful addition to h2g2ing
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 8, 2000
Actually... I think I like what I'm doing for now. I'm in no rush.
Is the Joker in?
shazzPRME Posted Jan 8, 2000 pays to take your time over your page...otherwise
you get the mickey taken out of you LOL
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 9, 2000
Ok I get it. And thanks but no thanks.
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 10, 2000
BTW.. What does P.R.M.E. stand for?
Is the Joker in?
shazzPRME Posted Jan 10, 2000
POST researcher...Managing Editor. The POST is the h2g2 online newspaper..latest edition out now!! U54963!!
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 12, 2000
So how'd you get that job anyway?
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 12, 2000
I really am not very efficient. I type quite slowly and am often lazy. To give you an example. I would love( impossible as it would be.) to get everyone from H2G2( or at least from tCotTB) together for a weekend so I could get to know them without having to type every bloody thing on the computer!
Is the Joker in?
shazzPRME Posted Jan 13, 2000
I know what you mean! I DID have the pleasure of meeting quite a few at the London Meet B4 Christmas was a brilliant day
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 13, 2000
Yes I heard tha you and "TM" are seeing a bit of eachother. I realy wish I could actually meet the friends I've met online( in person that is.). I have a standing invite to go and stay with some friends of mine that live in Germany. I just need $2000.00 to make the trip and pay for bills that I will miss because of missing work. Thats all( he said with sarcasm so thick wou could feel it seeping into your shorts.).
Is the Joker in?
shazzPRME Posted Jan 14, 2000
Well yes I am actually moving over to Holland when I can sort out my finances ( why are they always in a mess when you want to do something important!)...but I was referring to the bowling/drinking get-together that we organised to meet Peta,Mark and Anna
We even got to pose outside the h2g2 building
Now THAT was fun!!
Is the Joker in?
Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! Posted Jan 15, 2000
By pose I hope you mean a picture... I wanna see!!!
I think things are always a mess when you want to do something important to show you the Universe is thinking about you( and smilling expansively!).
So who are Peta, Mark and Anna?
I also hear you have some daughters! Are they Hot? JK. Really... I'm kidding!
Have you ever been to the U.S.(of)A.?
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Is the Joker in?
- 1: shazzPRME (Jan 6, 2000)
- 2: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 6, 2000)
- 3: shazzPRME (Jan 6, 2000)
- 4: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 8, 2000)
- 5: shazzPRME (Jan 8, 2000)
- 6: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 8, 2000)
- 7: shazzPRME (Jan 8, 2000)
- 8: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 9, 2000)
- 9: shazzPRME (Jan 9, 2000)
- 10: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 10, 2000)
- 11: shazzPRME (Jan 10, 2000)
- 12: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 11, 2000)
- 13: shazzPRME (Jan 11, 2000)
- 14: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 12, 2000)
- 15: shazzPRME (Jan 12, 2000)
- 16: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 12, 2000)
- 17: shazzPRME (Jan 13, 2000)
- 18: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 13, 2000)
- 19: shazzPRME (Jan 14, 2000)
- 20: Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!! (Jan 15, 2000)
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