This is the Message Centre for Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

Is the Joker in?

Post 1


Hi there Joker smiley - smiley I Just stopped by to return your visit smiley - smiley
Now you need to get working on livening up your page smiley - smileyThere are lots of places/people who can help you if you need it smiley - smiley Start simple and work up LOL
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 2

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

I have been searching for just the right things to put on my page. So far I haven't seen anything I realy like. I want to put up a picture of myself( don't know if thats allowed.) but I'm not what you( well "I" anyhow) would call photogenic. Not sure realy what I want but I haven't seen anything great yet. I would like to put some "real" pictures up to show my tastes but I don't think they would fit and everyone else has just got basic little anim's and clip-art type pics. Give me some suggestions... pleasesmiley - smiley.

Is the Joker in?

Post 3


You most certainly can put up a pic of yourself...but try not to make it too big because of the load time! I take it that you know that you can't actually just *upload* a picture straight to h2g2 need a site of your own to put them on 1st...but there are plenty of people who will *loan* you web space if you need it!*Real* pictures are fine...don't take any notice of my page...I am just an anime freak as I think I told you!
Do you have icq btw?? A very useful addition to h2g2ing smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 4

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

Actually... I think I like what I'm doing for now. I'm in no rush.

Is the Joker in?

Post 5

shazzPRME pays to take your time over your page...otherwise
you get the mickey taken out of you LOL
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 6

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!


Is the Joker in?

Post 7


You try putting up a page with faulty html and see what happens LOL
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 8

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

Ok I get it. And thanks but no thanks.

Is the Joker in?

Post 9


LOL...I don't blame you smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 10

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

BTW.. What does P.R.M.E. stand for?

Is the Joker in?

Post 11


smiley - smiley POST researcher...Managing Editor. The POST is the h2g2 online newspaper..latest edition out now!! U54963!!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 12

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

Oh. Comgradulations!... I think.smiley - bigeyes

Is the Joker in?

Post 13


Sometimes I wonder LOL
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 14

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

So how'd you get that job anyway?

Is the Joker in?

Post 15


Perspiration and efficency!!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 16

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

I really am not very efficient. I type quite slowly and am often lazy. To give you an example. I would love( impossible as it would be.) to get everyone from H2G2( or at least from tCotTB) together for a weekend so I could get to know them without having to type every bloody thing on the computer!

Is the Joker in?

Post 17


I know what you mean! I DID have the pleasure of meeting quite a few at the London Meet B4 Christmas was a brilliant day smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 18

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

Yes I heard tha you and "TM" are seeing a bit of eachother. I realy wish I could actually meet the friends I've met online( in person that is.). I have a standing invite to go and stay with some friends of mine that live in Germany. I just need $2000.00 to make the trip and pay for bills that I will miss because of missing work. Thats all( he said with sarcasm so thick wou could feel it seeping into your shorts.). smiley - smiley

Is the Joker in?

Post 19


Well yes smiley - smiley I am actually moving over to Holland when I can sort out my finances ( why are they always in a mess when you want to do something important!)...but I was referring to the bowling/drinking get-together that we organised to meet Peta,Mark and Anna smiley - smiley We even got to pose outside the h2g2 building smiley - smiley Now THAT was fun!!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Is the Joker in?

Post 20

Joker...Missionarry CotTb!....VOTE FOR MARV!!!

By pose I hope you mean a picture... I wanna see!!!
I think things are always a mess when you want to do something important to show you the Universe is thinking about you( and smilling expansively!).
So who are Peta, Mark and Anna?
I also hear you have some daughters! Are they Hot? JK.smiley - smiley Really... I'm kidding!
Have you ever been to the U.S.(of)A.?

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