Journal Entries

Hello once again!

Ok, I have been away for a long time but now I am back and i intend to get into the swing of writing articles and journal entries. As this summer is the one before University I will have lots of free time once I am done failing my A-Levels.

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Latest reply: Apr 22, 2001


Ive managed to muck it up again.

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Latest reply: Dec 27, 1999


I have decided to write this due the fact that Knaresborough is woefully un-represented on h2g2.

Tourism is the main source of income. I'm not entirely sure why but people seem to like it so Knaresborough is a tourist town.

The main attraction in Knaresborough is the river. It is not very special it just looks nice. Also you can go boating and see that the shore looks nice.

As well as the river there is the castle or remains of. Like most castles it has been destroyed. Not like a lot of castles in the war of the roses but in the first civil war. It happened a bit like this...

The parlimentarians had just won a battle near by (next to Toquith), and some of them decided that enough was enough and deserted. They wondered around and arrived in Knaresborough. This band asked nicely (even bands of deserters did at that time) for everybody to leave so they could take the town. The royalist commander refused and so a seige insued. The parlimentarians started to bombard the walls with cannon. This carried on for a few days (3-4) without leaving any effect on the walls of the castle. Then someone from INSIDE the walls suggested that the parlimentary commander move forward. This he duely did and promptly demolished the castle and the residents of the town residing in it.

So we in Knaresborough are at least practical if a little silly.

So, you've looked at the castle and gone boating. Now to the alcohol and nightlife of Knaresborough. At one point it has the highest number of pubs per capita than anywhere else in the UK. They are also all within walking distance. There is a bad side to the nightlife and that is:

THE WORST CLUB IN ENGLAND. (Officialy voted by a survey nationwide of clubs).

This is not totally negative though; it means you are never truly having the worst night you can possibly have until you are in this club.

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Latest reply: Dec 27, 1999


I have decided to write this due the fact that Knaresborough is woefully un-represented on h2g2.

Tourism is the main source of income. I'm not entirely sure why but people seem to like it so Knaresborough is a tourist town.

The main attraction in Knaresborough is the river. It is not very special it just looks nice. Also you can go boating and see that the shore looks nice.

As well as the river there is the castle or remains of. Like most castles it has been destroyed

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Latest reply: Dec 27, 1999

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