This is the Message Centre for J'au-æmne

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 61


No one's written an entry on it, thats whats wrong. I'll tell Smiley Ben or something.

*cuts a slice of cake for Menza*

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 62


Thanks. smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 63

Ming Mang

If you like I'll write in everything in my science exercise book about photosythesis...?
But as I'm only doing GCSE it really wouldn't help you much - too much that's stretching the truth and even more that is a downright lie...
smiley - sadface God, why am I talking about photosythesis on the verandah on a nice evening (were we watching the sunset, I can't remember) in school holidays with tests coming up??
*drinks sorbet 'cos it's rather melted now*


Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 64


I could write one, But I'd end up talking about macromolecular assembly and the flow through ion channels.

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 65


smiley - bigeyes
Cake or Sorbet either of you??

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 66


Both smiley - bigeyes

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 67


*cuts cake and spoons sorbet*

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 68

Ming Mang

Yeah, both for me too please! smiley - bigeyes

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 69


Thanks. smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 70


*spoons sorbet and cuts cake for ming*
smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 71


So what are you up to today? smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 72


Moving back to Durham... my train's at 4.25

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 73


I hope you are all packed then. smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 74


Naturally. I was all packed by midday.smiley - smiley

Well, not naturally, actually, my mother made mesmiley - winkeye

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 75


I hate having to pack all my stuff up when going back to uni. Its especially bad once you have pack the stereo away.

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 76


I have to pack the laptop now.....

c u l8r
smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 77


Are you back yet?

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 78


Yepsmiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 79


Have fun unpacking? smiley - smiley

Meanwhile, on the verandah

Post 80


Marvellous fun.... I have bags all over the place, but the vast majority of stuff has been put away...

(Joanna, blinded by the speed of her connection)

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