This is the Message Centre for archiduc

Healthy Eating

Post 1


I'll put a contact address on my page when I next see you online, so you will know where to find me if you want.



Post 2


Hi Rosie,

How are you today? I hope you`re able to enjoy the day and not in too much discomfort.

Here in Edinburgh it`s dark and cold. If there was some snow it might be Christmassy but as I live near to the shore of the river Forth, any snow usually melts very quickly - never enough to make a snowman! Oh dear, why do the British always start a converstion with comments on the weather (?) - perhaps to break the ice!

Looking out of my sitting room window I can see all the buses full with shoppers returning home after doing some Christmas shopping. I`ve not started on mine yet, although I`ll be using the puter to make some calendars for friends. I did some last year and they were a great hit, using google images, I as able to tailor them to the different interests of family and friends.

All the best,
Alison aka Archiduc

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