James Elliott Still, Jr.


I just managed to stumble across h2g2 while looking for tips on Douglas Adams' Starship Titanic game, and signed up. The game was a gift, and without any tips I managed to get stuck early on--abandoning it for "real life" (or at least my version thereof). I have found the hints, but as I'm stuck in a "crash pad" in Pittsburg
waiting to be called to fly, I'll have to wait until I return home to SC and can unite the new info with the computer that has the game installed to see if I'm smart enough to apply it.

Now that I've thoroughly bored you, I'll finish lulling you to sleep with more useless info:

I'm 34 (DOB: 6OCT65), married, a pilot with US Airways (currently flying the Fokker F100--well, not actually while I'm writing this, but you get the idea), and a fan of Douglas Adams (like that's going to differentiate me here!).

Enough of this for now. I'm off to waste some time poking around h2g2!

Happy Holidays, :-)
(aka: Postflight)
24 DEC 99

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Hi! Dec 27, 1999


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