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Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 1


I'm guessing your post in the 'dislikes' was defending the fine city (though I'm not sure) and I just wanted to check.

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 2


i was more saing that if you lived in bradford youd know why people here are ""racist" and not blame them so much

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 3


I'm sorry, but I can never see any reasons for racism. I just don't get it, it does nothing but cause harm and more trouble.

I live in Bradford, like I said, and trying to reduce racial and cultural tensions is a big part of my job. The attitudes of people on all sides makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes.

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 4


"I can never see any reasons for racism. I just don't get it"

guess not

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 5


Could you help me out then? Explain it to me. Even if I don't understand the issues, I'm working with people who find them crucial.

If I'm to be any good at my job (I'm still pretty new in post and I'm just taking my first baby-steps into doing events on my own) I need to understand.


Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 6


explaining racism to someone who doesnt get it is like explaining atheism to a fuindamentalist. they dont just not know, they dont want to know, they just want to fix it, they want to ''convert' those nasty people into people who think like them, which only goes to show they totally dont get the difference

racism is fear. fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, trying to explain this leads to sounding like yoda

all i can tell you is - feel the fear

if you cant feel the fear, and understand the fear, youre wasting your time and patronising people who will hate you for it

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 7


Fear of what?

As far as I can see in Bradford, everyone is being dumped on from a great height. Instead of rallying together and making a real change, people seem more interested in tearing each other to shreds.

That's what makes me want to tear my hair out.

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 8


""Fear of what?"

See post 4

if you have to even ask theres no point tryingf to explain

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 9


>>if you have to even ask theres no point tryingf to explain<<

That's such a helpful stance to take, it really is. Such an answer really helps people change a god-awful situation. If only more people were like you, we could have Bradford's problems sorted in no time

In all seriousness, fear of what? Is it the fear of the overwhelming poverty and deprivation? Is it the lack of opportunities for people? Fear of the ethnic/cultural divides?

The problem is this city is *everybody* hates everybody else, but no-one will talk about it.

Bradfordian by any chance?

Post 10


""If only more people were like you, we could have Bradford's problems sorted in no time "

see post 6 - your patronising people who will hate you for it

nobody will talk about it becasue the kneejerk reaction of people like you to people with racist views is that you tell them theyre wrong and you just dont get why their racists and that theyre the problem

to them its bloody obvious why they think the way they do, then they get some dogooder getting in their face telling htem theres something wrong with them. how likely are they to want to share?

try some empathy

try to GUESS what it is that racists fear

clues in the name

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