Swedish behaviour

A normal swedish guy, is always somewhat drunk. If he doesn´t play poker. If he plays poker he smokes instead. A normal swedish girl is always somewhat drunk. If she doesn´t play poker. If she plays poker she´s weird instead. A normal day for the Swedish people is to go up in the morning and down in the evening, or watch TV a hole day and not go up. In the weekends theres a party almost everywhere. Why do we party so much? Because if we didn´t we would go mad. And mad is bad. A normal Swedish person needs at least one beer a day, or he/she will break apart into nothing. Why is that? I think it has something to do with the weather. Anyway, enjoy.

Down below there are some basic rules for leading a normal everyday life in Sweden. :-)
And of course I will wright something about myself as well, if you´re interested or not well well, punches you´ve gotta take I guess.

Here is a link to a translationpage for those of you who need to know: http://www.h2g2.com/A223714" >http://www.h2g2.com/A223714 How to get there. And of course those of you who like to understand in as many languages as possible. The more the merrier right.


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