Journal Entries

From the desk of aPerson...

Yay! I'm typing this from my brand new desk and brand new swivelly chair in my room, using my brand new phone extension cord... the poor-person's AirPort. The only downside is that my CD-ROM has stopped working properly, and to get a new one which goes in my PowerBook's expansion bay costs loads (I have a spare floppy drive from that friend of my sister's, but no spare CDROM) so if they can't fix this one it looks like I'll need to get an external SCSI one, which is a bit of a bummer but as long as I'm buying one I may as well get a CD writer. It takes ages to convince my friend to write a CD for me smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 17, 2000

I've been framed!

Okay, scrap those first two URLs in the last journal entry... I've put my whole website into frames to disguise the fact that it's actually moved. (There is a non-frames version too, but the URL isn't quite as nice.) So anyway, go to and you should be able to find those previously mentioned pages quite easily.

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Latest reply: Jan 11, 2000

Web pages

Well, I've made a recent changes page for my website, at also I've put up pictures of the Apple Spring Update at, which includes myself and my friend Dustan with MacOS logos on our faces. And typing of Macs, I've just been told you can make iMacs, G3s and iBooks out of paper using the Acrobat files available from I've downloaded them all and will print and make them as soon as I finish replying to a few forum posts.

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Latest reply: Jan 5, 2000

Happy New Millennium

I know this is 15 hours late but DNS wasn't working... anyway, have a great year.

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Latest reply: Jan 1, 2000


Well, surely the best present I got today was a Macintosh PowerBook... well, okay, actually a Macintosh PowerBook floppy drive expansion bay module, power cord and thingy that plugs into the back and has a light on it. I already have a floppy drive expansion bay module and a power cord (two, actually) but hey, you can never have too many near-obsolete storage devices, and the last time I needed a new power cord it cost heaps of money. My sister was given the stuff by someone whose PowerBook (almost the same model as mine, but with a G3 upgrade) got stolen. Those silly robbers stole a PowerBook and forgot to steal the power cord... perhaps they were blonde, male, Australian, Irish, or had some other characteristic which people tell those same jokes about. And typing of Irish, I must open the box of Irish chocolates which arrived in the mail a week or so ago. Or maybe I should finish off the other chocs which were bought for Christmas dinner and mostly eaten over the last few days. smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Dec 25, 1999

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aPerson, An Angelastic (and alliterative) Acronymaniac

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