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Hi there!
Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic) Started conversation Sep 25, 2001
Hey! I noticed you were online and thought I'd stop by and see what was up. How are you doing?
Just because I think you'll find it amusing, I've been watching Bob Vila's new home show - not that I can remember what its called, of course - and they are working on a cottage on Martha's Vineyard. I'm waiting for them to paint the interior, to see what colors they chose.
Oh, speaking of colors, do you have any suggestions of colors I can use in a yoga room? White is right out.
Hi there!
Kumabear Posted Sep 27, 2001
Hi, G7.
It's good to hear from you. I haven't been around here much. My mind has been on other things. I lurk around here every day, just haven't felt like posting in any forums.
I've been too busy with my artwork lately.
Showed some of my drawings around today. I got reactions that I wasn't realy prepared for. Praise. Weird. I'm used to people tearing apart whatever I do. One guy actually used the word "Genius". My response was "What, the Hell, do you mean by that?" He just laughed and said that I was on to something and that he hasn't seen anything like them before. Also got a phone number from a gallery owner in California. He said to give him a call when I had twenty more drawings in the same style finished.
Weird. Three years of very hard work might start to pay off soon.
I watched Bob Vila today. He was doing something 3 towns over from here.
I have no idea what you should do for a Yoga room. Probably something warm?.....something easy on the senses.
Hi there!
Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic) Posted Sep 27, 2001
Congratulations, Kuma! That is great news about your art! Unlikely as it is, if you ever do a show in podunk, back-water Denver, I'll be there.
Sounds like its going very well indeed.
I'm thinking about going with a pale yellow with a glaze of somekind in the yoga room, I think. Warm, but not overpowering...
Hi there!
Kumabear Posted Sep 27, 2001
One thing to remember about yellow, though, is that it's considered an angry color...beleve it or not.
I had a book a few years ago called The Angry Book. It was yellow.
Hi there!
Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic) Posted Sep 28, 2001
Hmmm... I had heard red was angry, I wouldn't have thought it of yellow. Does make a certain amount of sense, though... Thanks!
How 'bout a tan with warm undertones and an orange-ish glaze. Kind of a sandstone effect?
Hi there!
Kumabear Posted Oct 1, 2001
sounds good. You can blame the yellow thing on all of those color theory classes I had to take in college. red tends to represent passion more than it does anger.
Hi there!
Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic) Posted Oct 1, 2001
Passion can work for Yoga. Maybe I'll do something with red then...
And thanks for taking those color theory classes. Otherwise, I could have some very interesting and non-productive yoga sessions.
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