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Hello Calroth
Zak T Duck Started conversation Oct 4, 2000
Gretings, I'm Croz and I'm one of the h2g2 scouts. I've been looking at your entry on the infinite hotel paradox and I think that it has possibility for being Edited Guide material. I hope you don't mind that I've added it to the Peer Review Page.
Croz (Scout)
Hello Calroth
Zak T Duck Posted Oct 4, 2000
In fact, all your entries are so well written I'm tempted to add them all to the Peer Review. In fact I'm going to try and push for Stretchy Santa Theory to make it in just in time for Chritmas.
Thanks again,
Croz (Scout)
Hello Calroth
Calroth Posted Nov 17, 2000
Of course, I'm really happy and pleased that someone thinks my work is of publishable quality. It's just that... I've been away for a month and I didn't think to check Maybe those university exams had to do something with it...
I'm just checking my articles now to see which ones have been recommended.
Hello Calroth
Zak T Duck Posted Nov 17, 2000
Hi Calroth,
I submitted the stretchy santa article though the Peer Review shortly after posting to your page. Although the team really liked it, they said that ideally it needs to be combined with some other Father Christmas articles before it can make it into the edited guide. Hopefully, some will crop up now we are getting close to the big day.
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