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Big Bang Article
shagbark Started conversation Oct 16, 2001
Dear fellow researcher. As you have left h2g2 for several months
I have used your article on the Big Bang and made significant changes.
I hope these are acceptable to you.By the way... Edwin Hubble was a distant cousin of mine. Sincerely William Hubbell hereabouts known as shagbark
Big Bang Article
shagbark Posted Oct 16, 2001
I forgot to mention the address of the new version is A644942 or just click on it in your list of articles found on your home page.
Big Bang Article
Yeliab {h2g2as} Posted Dec 1, 2001
Hello, I've just read and enjoyed your front page article on the big bang and was wondering if you have head/are a member of the h2g2 astronomical soceity? If not then do visit
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Big Bang Article
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