Journal Entries
Just a short note to say...
Posted Jul 24, 2001
... hi!, bye! and how you doin'?
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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2001
All worked out.
Posted Jun 17, 2001
No, it's not a mathematical problem, it's me. I'm all worked out. I'm shattered with all these work experience placements and other stresses relating to the voluntary work I do for Barnardos on top of everything else. Why can't the people, who organise health related work experience placements, provide them in blocks rather than each LA offering one day and sending students round all the other LAs, like headless chickens, trying to build up a sufficient amount of experience to get universities to spend five minutes looking at a three page application form (half of which is for office use only)? O for a utopian life style.
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Latest reply: Jun 17, 2001
How come (ii)...
Posted May 3, 2001's always so warm when I've got exams? I'm absolutely roasting but I've still got to sit here and figure out what social policy is and how it relates to childminding . Roll on the day when someone invents a refridgerated Learning Resource Centre. Actually, I might jack all this in and invent one. Hmm. Money? It's a thought. In the meantime I'm nipping back to halls to get nice, cold glass of lemon and barley water, topped up with ice cubes .
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Latest reply: May 3, 2001
A Quick Sing Song
Posted Apr 27, 2001
"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands, clap, clap!"
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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2001
Hmm. Me Sleepy Head
Posted Mar 30, 2001
Me tired. Me didn't go to bed until 3am this morning. Me having fun in the Trafford Centre. Me saw several people I hadn't seen for ages. Me went out with someone I hope I'll know for ages. He happy. Me content. Me looking forward to three weeks off uni!
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Latest reply: Mar 30, 2001
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