This is the Message Centre for Venus in Marmite

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 1


Venus in Marmite - now you're getting annoying. You only did this to annoy, and ruin my voting system! How is NAVAL going to work now??? And they wonder why I don't trust you all...

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 2

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

This can't be right...

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 3


Why do you always say that?????
How do I know you aren't behind these Venus people?

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 4

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Do I always say that? I hadn't noticed. In this case I meant that something was sick and wrong. And I think that if I were behind the Venuses they'd pay more attention to me, and less to Menz@@e.

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 5


I see your point... But rest assured - I'll get to the bottom of this all... Even if I'm the last one to know!

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 6

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Don't worry about that too much -- no matter who's the last one to know, I usually find out even later.

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 7


I know the feeling...

Now I know this is a set up!!

Post 8

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

"When something goes wrong
I'm the first to admit it
I'm the first to admit it,
And the last one to know
When somethin goes right
Well it's likely to lose me
It's apt to confuse me, because
It's such an unsusual sight
I swear I can't
I can't get used to something so right
Something so right"

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