Journal Entries

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Okay, kats-eyes, GW7EN and I are looking to write a guide entry re: roleplaying games, but we need your input! Any takers?

I'm thinking that a timeline of creation, expansion, and development of RPG's should be included, at least in an abbreviated form. Any other suggestions?

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 1999

Ancient Mythology

Interesting topic in the article, "The Discovery of Fire" is leading to a debate over ancient mythology. Thinking abot writing a guide entry on the subject. 1.) Have to look the subject up. 2.) Gotta start researching more.

Wondering more and more about the morals of human beings, and how they actually measure in living up to them. (Of course, using my own behavior as a basis for this line of thought.) Are morals dead, lying in the same grave as chivalry and common courtesy?

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 1999

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