This is a Journal entry by Gildor

Ancient Mythology

Post 1


Interesting topic in the article, "The Discovery of Fire" is leading to a debate over ancient mythology. Thinking abot writing a guide entry on the subject. 1.) Have to look the subject up. 2.) Gotta start researching more.

Wondering more and more about the morals of human beings, and how they actually measure in living up to them. (Of course, using my own behavior as a basis for this line of thought.) Are morals dead, lying in the same grave as chivalry and common courtesy?

Ancient Mythology

Post 2

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I don't think that morals, as such, are dead. There is some question about the morays of modern societies, however. We have our own morality plays and fairy tales. Its just that - due to the pressure to be PC - they are forced to be so ambiguous that they don't end up teaching anything. Our modern mythos consists of inconsistant cartoon superheroes who put forth a moral code no one can meet, but at the same time feel that they are not bound by laws. Quite confusing when you look at it.

There you go. My thoughts on the matter - as unconsequential as they may seem. Enjoy! smiley - smiley

Ancient Mythology

Post 3


Okay, you've got me: what are morays, as opposed to morals? (I realize I say this at the risk of sounding very stupid.)

Secondly, that confusion is my point: morals are, by definition, not subject to interpretation. We're making the plunge from straight-on, out-and-out morals to GUIDELINES. Kind of like when Shellshock became Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: one just doesn't have the impetus, the meaning, of the other.

If that's the way we're going, fine, but it seems like the world wasn't going to hell so fast when we had a firm "do" and "don't" list.

And I'm not saying the one we had (I say "had" because I hardly know ANYBODY who follows the old christian code anymore) was any better than any other code of morals, but at least we had something.

Okay, I'm off of the soap-box. Who's next? smiley - smiley

Ancient Mythology

Post 4

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

There's no such thing as a stupid question. Don't worry! smiley - smiley Morays are a group of morals for a society, as oppossed to the individual morals.

I agree that we used to have stronger morays - do this, don't so this - and I agree that this made for a society that was much easier to deal with on a day-to-day basis. This is part of the problem that I have with the switch from a general set of morays to individual morals. We've each developed our own list of rights and wrongs, or dos and do-nots, but we refuse now to look at each others'.

I am in total agreement with you about the confusion this causes being a problem. All we can really do is try to act properly according to our own morals and hope that they rub off on those around us. smiley - smiley

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