Journal Entries

The Summer is crazy...


Summer is here, at last... At least in the greenness of the trees and the warm winds. And in me. At least from time to time. That is, when my mood fluctuates to the better end of the emotional spectrum. Which seems to happen alarmingly often nowadays. Might have something to do with a certain person, who, unfortunately, is still about 100 miles from here.

I don't know. I'm still uncertain. But that must be something that's common in everyone's life, and everyone must think that theirs is the greatest uncertainty. I don't know. John, I'm only guessing.

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Latest reply: May 19, 2000

Whither flieth the time of my youth?

YADDA, YADDA. Yet Another Day Done Anyhow, Yet All will be Definitely Done for in the Apocalypse.

Well, at least that's what my present tiredness makes me say. Not sleeping more than 4 hours / night is not really healthy in the long run. Nor is skipping one night's sleep entirely and then sleeping 16 straight hours to make up for it. Oh well, that's what National Meetings of English Students do to you, I guess.

And heart-warming housewarming parties, which afterwards not so much actually warm you but rather make you want to creep someplace warm, curl up and cease to exist as far as the rest of the world is concerned.

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Latest reply: Mar 16, 2000

An off in the day life...


This, then, is the day. This day in my life, I did nothing really special for the umpteenth time. This day in my life, I didn't even resolve to do something really special the next time such a day comes around.

What did I do? Woke up late with a minor hangover (this is a weekday, remember), skipped the Joycean Text course (come to think of it, had I really managed to haul myself over there, I might have had pretty good insights to his work), had breakfast with a friend who is annoying in that special way only he can manage, came to work, admired the weather and the nature around Lake Pyhäjärvi.

By all of the wonderful things the world has in it, imaginary or not, I have come across few places I would exchange to this lake - any season. In the summer, it's flanked by the greenness of Pyynikki hills to the north, the somewhat more human-formed Härmälä strands to the south and the path along Hatanpää bay, beside the water treatment station, to the east. The west end is invisible in the horizon, partly because of the islands (Viikinsaari and Lehtisaari most prominently) that dot the blueness on the map. In the winter, it's partly (or sometimes even completely) frozen over and the ducks and other birds have to find other places to bathe in. And water does make a sound when it freezes, I can attest to that.

Anyway, at work: I worked, stayed at work too late and so didn't study at all for the test I have the day after tomorrow (this book I have barely started, the other is barely one quarter of the way through), perhaps made the day of some of my female friends a little better by wishing them well on International Women's Day. Finally, stumbled on my own link here (to H2G2) and found out that Aberystwyth really might be worth going to in the Autumn.

I wonder if I will keep up doing these journal things. Knowing myself, both are equally possible.

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Latest reply: Mar 8, 2000

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