This is the Message Centre for Spaceechik, Typomancer
Party's over...
Spaceechik, Typomancer Started conversation Jan 18, 2009
So, it's almost over, and now I'm *scared*.
I have to move within the next month or so, and I have nowhere to GO. I feel as though I should never have moved north, but should have faced this last year, when I might have been able to find a place at the local nomeless shelter -- while I was still a resident of L.S. County. Now, I'll have to get to the back of the line, like everyone else.
I feel like I've failed in a very basic way and that it's my fault that I haven't succeeded in taking care of myself (when Michael was sick, I took care of both of us), finding work or progressing with my case. Whatever, I've finally hit the wall. I've never felt so *anxious* in my life, and my blood pressure is making my chest hurt.
Hopeing Freddy goes away SOON.
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Party's over...
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