A Conversation for Tifton, Georgia, USA

just a little polish

Post 1


This is a good informative article. The second section, "And what's there to see?" needs a little polishing.

"As mentioned" means you're about to say something you've already said. I suggest eliminating the repetition.

"Another small money maker"-- since you didn't use the phrase "small money maker" previously, "Another" can be dropped.

"Along with the Agirama"-- I would delete repetitive references to (how is it spelled?) Agrirama. Once is enough in such a short article.

I have traveled down I75 and found this article interesting. Thanks

just a little polish

Post 2


Thank you very much smiley - smiley I've altered the Entry to make it read better now, thanks! Glad you liked it smiley - ok


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just a little polish

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