A Conversation for United Nations

Flea Market: A8740208 - United Nations

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Entry: United Nations - A8740208
Author: John-the-gardener, h2g2 Friends of Tibet (A2170982) - U33262

I've been sitting on this Entry for far too long. I have made some changes and additions but the prospect of completing it any time soon doesn't look good.

The Flea Market is said to be a good place for neglected Entries to languish, as this this one has and continues to do, so I might pick it up again myself if no one else takes an interest.

Flea Market: A8740208 - United Nations

Post 2


Think there needs to be more said about the other sections and departments of the UN and the General Assembly is only one part. Good start otherwise.

Flea Market: A8740208 - United Nations

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks. Ideally, I think, this should be a collaborative effort, with sections on the main UN agencies contributed by different Researchers, or I could just knuckle down and get busy. smiley - winkeye

Flea Market: A8740208 - United Nations

Post 4


Perhaps you should just include the founding of the UN on this page and then have links at the bottom with links to the general assembly and security council etc with detailed information on those sections; as it stands it seems a bit bias to the security council.

Flea Market: A8740208 - United Nations

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks, that's a good suggestion. This is really only the begining. Making this a Uni project would be a good way of tackling it. All it takes is the energy and the will to write... which is exactly the stuff I seem to be lacking at the moment. smiley - erm

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