A Conversation for Sailor Moon
Why Do People Hate Sailor Moon?
Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel Started conversation Jun 11, 2000
So. I have one simple question:
Why do people hate Sailor moon so very much?
It's not evil, or plotless, or anything else
that you might have to say about it.
And while I'm at this, (and for those of
you who care,) tomorrow, 35 episodes of Sailor
Moon that had previously not been released to
the US are being released! Yes, I just said
there are going to be 35 new episodes of Sailor
Moon tomorrow! (Sailor Moon buffs, our S.O.S
{Save Our Sailors} campaining had finally worked,
and our wait is over!)
This will be on Cartoon Network at 5:00 mountain
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Why Do People Hate Sailor Moon?
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