A Conversation for Northern Ireland Protestants funded by the Pope!

Oh no, she can't

Post 1


The author cannot easily re-write this so that is doesn't brake the rules. It was copied from a newspaper, I thought it was very important historical knowledge, which is why I didn't want to re-write it. Also, if I had re-written it and put my name to it, then I would have been held personally responsible for the info. As it was about the Irish situation, I really didn't want to be held personally resposible as that could have involved fire-bombing.

This was put on the guide in September 2001 and moderated in Feb 2002, what efficency.

I was just begingint to realise that looking at the italics like work bosses, was immature, and now I realise that is exactly how I see them.

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Oh no, she can't

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