A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A75902790 - Bank Heist

Post 1


Entry: Bank Heist - A75902790
Author: jzzyprin93 - U14600827

please read my first draft and comment.

A75902790 - Bank Heist

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You definitely need to break up the last paragraph. I got totally confused and missed the arrival of the second co-conspirator. smiley - rofl

Use one line each for the dialogue, and make sure we know who's speaking.

It's a start. I like the idea of explaining *why* your character wants to become a bank robber. And I love the idea of using childhood friends who aren't very well-equipped for the job.

Take it a step at a time, and I think you have something here. smiley - smiley

A75902790 - Bank Heist

Post 3


This sounds like the beginning of a very funny story. I like the improbable conspirators.smiley - smiley

But I think you need to build up the scene where they meet a bit more. What is the place like? What does Tasha look like? What about the others? What are they doing while they talk?

And I want to know what the plot is! The more implausible the better smiley - laugh

A75902790 - Bank Heist

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

The references to things that went wrong in the past made me laugh.

Watch your tenses - there's a lot of changing of tenses in it.

Read it aloud and try to pick up your mistakes. smiley - smiley

A75902790 - Bank Heist

Post 5


Ok thank you so much!

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