A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A4183805 - A Poem -- God Plays Bass

Post 1


Entry: A Poem -- God Plays Bass - A4183805
Author: grandbohoo - U1528919

I believe Poetry redides within this workshop? Pleased to be of service!

A4183805 - A Poem -- God Plays Bass

Post 2


You've indeed come to the right place, so welcome.

This is an extremly unique take on creation and the role of the creator. The choice of the bass coincides quite nicely with the philosopy of free will, the beat that drives all else yet ever in the role as a supporting player for the greater good of the whole.

And I think the use of a southern drawl fits nicely with with the theme, kinda like an old baptist preacher, repleat in a white plantation suit and the ever present kerchief laying it down in a revival tent, the 'Amens" flying thicker than junebugs on a muggy night.

It's a fun and lively read, thanks for sharing it with us all. Bottom's Up smiley - ok.

Spynxxxsmiley - fullmoon

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A4183805 - A Poem -- God Plays Bass

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