A Poem -- God Plays Bass

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God Plays Bass

Hard Bop’s flowing out a barrelhouse door
In the sun, wind and rain,
Two musicians chart and stride
Who’s that you say?
Well, You know the Devil with his guitar and fiddles
But looky here why that’s Divineness on the Bass.

Y’all heard tale how the Devil plays prestissimo
Always scatting an ballin’ up the beat
But, God’s Bass riffs are set in largo
Cuz cool jazz sounds so Phat
His low pulsing boogie just sits there in the groove

That Devils been tailgating at the Crossroads
Cuz old Robert Johnson was look’n to gig eternity
Guitarist dueling with the Devil a work song rhapsody
Till the Devil lost to scale ‘in by a classical progeny

Now, God keeps groove’n a Psalmody
Gut confidence in his center
His pizzicato dynamics-running bottom’s up
Absent any vibrato digs that silence is still a note
Man, his Bass lines never can be beat

Nocturnes in dissonance jives primordial bars
Phrase and pitch all ripples no bars and measures true
A Bass note stuck in Forte an opening chord or two
Thaw-thump! Thaw-Thump! Thaw-Thump!
Comes the Tone Poem to the score

Perceive his milieu bass notes!
Three notes theme the movement just waiting on a score
God’s fundamental frequencies sets the tempo of each bar
Laying down some tracks each measure a light year long

Yes, we’re all here cuz the Man was Jassing up the deep
God’s bass lines are the cool school that created reality
Striding downbeats by the meter long before luminosity
Till his concerto prodigy blasted forth a Star

Nothing but a Bass line from time eternity
That music forms a triad of tertial harmonies
Just a chill’ in the loft scene now called the Holy Trinity
What started as a bass note gave life to you and me!

Yes, we’re talking creation
Life, the Universe and Everything!
God’s Cosmic Gigantic Bass Note,
Implanted in our nature a noble faculty

The voice came by virtue of the bass cliff
Scored in consonants no melody
So, scat the words if you haft to
As long as you keep in harmony

So, Stop jive talk’n cause music’s in our soul
We’re all in this together the fiddler, you and me
Let’s all make the connection to the Harmonics
We can swing in syncopation just remember to keep the code

Life is a song, says Yidl shmiddle
It’s coolness in our solo’s, cakewalks, forms and modes
Even dissonant running countermelody
Will return us to his groove

God Plays Bass

That’s right man
God Plays Bass

So what’s you say?
God Plays Bass

Come’ on
Let me hear you say it
God Plays Bass

Ooooooh yeaaaaaaaa!

Thaw thump

Thaw thump

Thaw Thump

Thaw Thump

Thaw Thump

Bill Cady June 2005


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