A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A4071106 - Schools - General Observations

Post 1


Entry: Schools - General Observations - A4071106
Author: merrymoon - U1464026

A musing on the purpose of schools

A4071106 - Schools - General Observations

Post 2


Hi, merrymoon!

Your 'General Observations' remind me of some I used to be...err..., I mean, someone I used to know.

I think this piece has the potential to be a terrific little sarcastic essay (ahem, assuming it _is_ sarcasm!). To me, the only thing it lacks is a sort of 'framework.' In spite of its being clearly named "General Observations,' I just feel like it would hold together a bit better - and feel less like a list of observations - if it at least had a neater conclusion. Just a little something to tie all those observations up in a package.

But then, that's just one guy's opinion.

smiley - winkeye

If you're interested in other observations and/or suggestions, just say so. As you probably know, there are usually plenty of friendly folks (and pretty darned good writers, too) hanging around here and I'm sure they'll be happy to throw their two cents' worth at you.

smiley - cheers

A4071106 - Schools - General Observations

Post 3

Mrs Zen

Hi merrymoon

I enjoyed reading this little piece - thank you for posting it in the AWW.

What do you want to do with this? If you'd like to take it further then I'd suggest two directions to go in would be either to make some constructive suggestions about how schools could be improved, (either sensible ones or fantasy ones - it's your piece and the choice is yours), or else I would try to work out why schools are the way they are, and maybe do a bit of research into what your teachers think, what they've been taught about tackling some of the issues you mention, or maybe the history of schools or of education.

My guess is that you don't have a spare second to call your own at the moment, but there is certainly scope for expansion with this entry. Maybe if you add some more to it here you could put it into PR. There is the kernal of a good essay on schools here.

Thanks for posting it.


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A4071106 - Schools - General Observations

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