Schools - General Observations
Created | Updated May 15, 2005
Basically, the problem with school is that for some unknown reason we are actually expected to do some work there. This in itself is hardly fair as, as far as I know, nobody else who goes to work actually works there!
In school, on the other hand, you are expected to consistently produce work of a high standard, and what is more, there is no incentive or reward to encourage this.
Schools are strange places and don't seem to account for the fact that some students are in fact nocturnal. This seems quite a big error on their part as they don't seem to understand that some people can't function at 9 o'clock in the morning!
Most teachers seem to completely miss the fact that people do not go to school to learn, but to meet up with friends and avoid their parents. That is why they always get such confused looks when they ask ,'If you're not here to learn, why are you here?'
As far as we were aware, no one actually willingly goes to school. I mean, who in their right minds leaves their nice warm house at 7 o'clock in the morning to run after buses?
Another problem with schools is the fact that they are always trying to scare you. They tell you that it doesn't matter what results you get in your exams, but also add that your life will end if you get any grade lower than an A. How are we supposed to deal with such pressure??