A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A3627605 - The Rarest of U.K. Cars

Post 1


Entry: The Rarest of U.K. Cars - A3627605
Author: Ronbloggs - U1258998

This is an autobiographical piece. It will be of some interest to lovers of Classic Cars. The author travelled hundreds of miles in the car depicted during and after World War 2. It is interesting from the point of view that the model was favoured by the famous dance band leader Jack Payne who fell for it on sight.

A3627605 - The Rarest of U.K. Cars

Post 2


This is great stuff; it really conveys your affection for the car.

If I were you I'd extend the title, so that browsers (both human and software!) will see the marque and model. "A Singer Airstream - the Rarest of UK Cars" could do it, with the indefinite article to show the piece is mainly about a particular one.

Other than that, who am I to crit? (I work in steel anyway, and have a natural aversion to aluminium car bodies!)

Pinsmiley - smiley

A3627605 - The Rarest of U.K. Cars

Post 3


Hi Pinniped,
Thank you for being the first to read, and to appreciate the sentiments behind my far from perfect piece. Thank you, also, for the useful tip about an extended title, which I shall use with your permission. I feel inclined to visit your personal space if you have no objections to my so doing.

Happy Posting!


A3627605 - The Rarest of U.K. Cars

Post 4


You're welcome, Ron, to both the title and the visit.

It's not the most navigable of Personal Spaces, mind!

A3627605 - The Rarest of U.K. Cars

Post 5


Hi Pinniped,
Thank you for being the first to read, and to appreciate the sentiments behind my far from perfect piece. Thank you, also, for the useful tip about an extended title, which I shall use with your permission. I feel inclined to visit your personal space if you have no objections to my so doing. Your crit is very useful and appreciated any time. You work in steel, I worked in chemicals.It was terrible, swimming in all that flippin' chlorine!! Pity there are not more of us in Britain these days, all the work is going to China and India!! Industry made Britain what it is, and various governments have destroyed its wealth base. My two sons have 'modern' careers, using these computers. But I bet steel making is largely computerised these days.

Happy Posting!


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