A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 1


Entry: Rainbow of Sound - A30095147
Author: iyasur - U10637953

The life of a scale, documented on paper.

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Ah, a bit of synaesthesia.smiley - smiley

But isn't your rainbow a bit out of order?smiley - huh I learned ROY G. BIV.

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 3


Its a rainbow of sound, not of colors.

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I see.smiley - huh No, actually I don't.

Perhaps, since you have used the metaphor of the rainbow, you could explain why - other than personal choice - the gamut of sound doesn't match the palette of light?

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 5


I am using the metaphor of rainbow because I have given every note a color. For the "alternative workshop" this piece is being taken extremely literally! smiley - erm
I called this a rainbow of sound just to make certain that this is not the regular sort of rainbow you see in the sky. You wouldn't be able to see this rainbow, you'd have to hear it.
This is not a scientific paper explaining how a rainbow sounds. This is just a metaphorical work which is fictional and abstract.

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Fictional and abstract, yes, got it.

But the 'workshop' part of AWW is in giving feedback from a reader's perspective.

Mine is only one perspective.

A sentence would do it, just to show why the colours you've chosen make a different 'rainbow' than the usual one. Because it is sound, not light? Something like that.

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 7


I believe in "less is more."
Adding in a sentence explaining why the rainbow is, in scientific terms, out of order would completely ruin the flow of the passage. I don't see how it would fit.

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 8

LL Waz

I like it. It's true I expected the usual rainbow order because of the title. I got past pink thinking it poetic licence but brown of course didn't fit at all.

But brown is exactly right for Fa, so I quite liked being thrown off my suppositions there.

I shut my eyes and tried to work out other colours, So came out yellow, the others I couldn't decide.

In retrospect the rainbow works, but I can't help wondering if my choice was influenced by Fa ther Brown, and Sol/sun.

A30095147 - Rainbow of Sound

Post 9


Hmmm. I made other associations, since my ear is decidedly-unmusical - or, shall I say, my ability to discern the tone defined as fa, for instance, is rather small. I know the note if I hear it in sequence, but just toss it out there? Not a chance! smiley - huh

although smiley - biggrin, I think I did just manage to reproduce a tonal scale, which with my flat tenor I never would have thought possible! smiley - somersault

The thing is, my associations were pure bunk. For me to start to grasp the meaningfulness of your color/sound linkages, I need the intention spelled out more literally. I'm intrigued by the comment of synaesthesia... I wonder, do you want to blend/blur or separate/define? And which, where? Between the notes themselves (as base?), the colors (which comes first, color or sound?), or between one combination of soundcolor and the next?

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