Rainbow of Sound

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The Do major scale is a rainbow of sound in which every note is different. When you look at the piano, you only see white ivory keys, but within them they contain individual personalities and colors. The notes all join in to make the scale work, for every single note is needed. If one note wasn't there it would be like a puzzle missing a piece. The Do major scale is perfect, with no sharps or flats. It is the starting line where music can begin, and Do, of course, is its first note.

First, Do is red and bold, he is the very first note of the scale. He draws all the notes towards him, for he is the tonic of the scale. He decides how the scale will sound according to his own taste. His sound is great and fills the room, because he is the king of the Do major scale. Next up the scale is Re, its sound is orange, sharp and accented. His sound has a certain twist to it, one that throws itself at you from inside the piano, and he competes over the sounds of the other notes. Third is Mi, her sound is pink, hollow and even, a certain emptiness follows her sound. She is like still water, and is too weak to really move you. Yet, she still tries to overachieve and get better and stronger. Afterwards comes Fa is brown with a sound that is accented every time he is played. He is the relative major of Re, as well as his older brother. He tries to sound stronger than all the other notes, but he does not succeed. Another step up brings us to Sol, a dominant and radiant yellow note. Every time he is played, he gets stronger and stronger. In contrast, La is mellow and purple. She knows her place and doesn't wish to move from it. She wants to harmonize and befriend the other notes. Finally, Ti is a blue note without a strong personality. Her only role in the Do major scale is to lead the others back to Do.

Once I play this scale I can see my own fingerprint on the ivory white keys. Do is both the starting line and finish line, for we can now move up to the next scale. All the right keys have been played: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti have all worked together to make the scale sound right.

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