A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A29914022 - A Tale of a Tail

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Entry: A Tale of a Tail - A29914022
Author: dmitrigheorgheni - U1590784

The tale of Tam E. Scurry-Douglas. Obviously a respectable character.

All right, he probably lives in a tree near a council flat, and is Known to the Authorities. What do you want, Jane Austen?

A29914022 - A Tale of a Tail

Post 2


A squirrel with attitude! Squirrels (at least the grey ones) are like that - defiant, cheeky, daring. Great! smiley - smiley

It's very knowing this squirrel. I think we can allow you the poetic licence of letting it know about political correctness and Post-its.
If it was British, it would be a cockney, London park squirrel. Or may be a Peckham, Del-Boy squirrel. I like it!

A29914022 - A Tale of a Tail

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thanks.smiley - laugh Exactly the kind I had in mind.

Of course, this entry had the advantage of first-hand nature study.smiley - whistle

That squirrel hangs out in the tree in front of my apartment. And hassles my cats.smiley - rofl

A29914022 - A Tale of a Tail

Post 4

Tibley Bobley

You've really captured the manic energy, nerve and endearing (or maddening) cheek of the young squirrel. They're a bit less full of themselves this time of year, but in the late spring/early summer, they drive my dogs barking mad with their leaping, scurrying, hair-raising anticssmiley - laugh

A29914022 - A Tale of a Tail

Post 5

LL Waz

smiley - biggrin

Ha! I've met you! On the ridge at Hawkestone. Throwing twigs at people! Disgraceful. And while you're here - next time we meet in the lane, quit that ziz-zagging along the road in front of the car. Get on the verge where you belong. And as all those oak seedlings coming up in mother's garden - enough! Cut out burying your acorns there, you hear!

(Love this, btw.)

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