A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Entry: World History, the Budget Edition - A28978456
Author: dmitrigheorgheni - U1590784

Just a couple of old memories, a memorable teacher of mine, and the hope to amuse.

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 2

Tibley Bobley

An inspirational teacher. I've heard tell of them, but never actually had one when I was at school. What a lucky 12-year-old you were! I tried to visualise the chicken-bone tool. In my mind's eye, it's a damn funny looking thingsmiley - laugh

Another enjoyable story. Thank you dmitrismiley - smiley

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Thank you.smiley - smiley I *was* lucky. Mr Kaplan was only one of many inspirational individualists.

You're right - the chicken-bone tool was ghastly. In a museum it would no doubt have been labelled 'cult object'.

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 4


This is lovely - warm, funny and true-to-life. smiley - smiley

I was a bit baffled by the Shake N'Bake commercial - perhaps it never made it across the Atlantic. And what was that about a Confederate pardon?

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Shake'n'Bake was a nasty way to make 'fried chicken' in the oven. It made the chicken sort of...orange.

It was advertised as 'Southern'.smiley - rolleyes The child in the commercial had an outrageously Southern accent.

Know, oh honoured British person, that it took about 100 years for people to get over the 'Wa-ah', and when we moved from Tennessee to Chicago, our friends and relatives took on so about it that we children seriously believed we were leaving the country.

We were horribly disappointed to find that the currency and postage stamps had not changed.

After the Late Unpleasantness (as the Civil War is sometimes called), former Confederates were barred from voting until they had 'signed the Pardon', and promised fealty to the Union. They were barred from holding public office by the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Once upon a time, this sort of thing mattered, I guess.smiley - winkeye Now it's just innerestin'.

Once we got the Grand Ole Opry on television, we knew we were on our way to cultural rehabilitation. (Grand Ole Opry=temple to hillbilly music in Nashville, Tennessee. Also called 'The House That Hank (Williams) Built'.)

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 6


Thanks for filling me in, Dmitri. smiley - smiley
I've learnt a lot from your comments - about txtspk, Hebrew poetry and now US history!

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 7

LL Waz

That was a _very_ enjoyable read. And I like the conclusion.

I got the gist of the Shake 'n bake accent and the confederates pardon without knowing the detail. Now I know that too - an added bonus smiley - biggrin.

There are three threads in this, Mr Kaplan himself, the World History, and the lesson he taught you. Of the three, I felt the first was the one that was fully fleshed out and finished. But I thoroughly enjoyed it as a sort of loosely connected reminiscence.

Little details like Shake 'n Bake and the Confederates give it that extra - like seasoning.

Thanks for the read smiley - smiley,

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 8

Post Team

Hi Dmitri smiley - smiley

We absolutely loved this, and we've published it in this week's issue. Great job!

Rich smiley - thepost

A28978456 - World History, the Budget Edition

Post 9

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Ah, the ninja publisher.smiley - rofl

Thank you much.smiley - winkeye

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