A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A16534460 - Halloween Poem

Post 1


Entry: Halloween Poem - A16534460
Author: spiderbaby - Alter ego - Queen Rasiera, wife of King Aladine, now banished to the wastelands of Breeg for her wickedness. - U247838

A late night, shiver with dark delight, scare the pants off you all right, poem for All Hallow's Eve.


A16534460 - Halloween Poem

Post 2


smiley - spider

Very atmospheric! I smiled as I read it, is there more?

smiley - witch

A16534460 - Halloween Poem

Post 3


A brillian poem, spiderbaby.

A16534460 - Halloween Poem

Post 4


Thanks. I have more scary pomes in my collection! I will poast a link though not right this minute as I believe I left the kettle on and it must have nearly boiled dry as I only meant to come up to go to the bathroom and then I sat down here and ..................................................................

A16534460 - Halloween Poem

Post 5


Thanks. I know the feeling

A16534460 - Halloween Poem

Post 6

LL Waz

Very Halloweeny! And fun to read. The snuffling shadows and 'that they might ... feel whole again' gave it something extra. So does the variation in pace - smiley - cool, neat stuff!

Thankyou for sharing and scaring smiley - winkeye.

Are you interested in critique/workshopping style comments, btw?

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