Halloween Poem

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On this.. still..eve, as darkness hangs
her blackest shroud upon the world,
all restless spirits stalk,
their festering, fiendish cloaks unfurled,
to haunt and taunt the innocents abroad.

With screeching spells and cursing verse,
their demon eyes do blaze as with
creaking calloused fingers curled
they grasp the very essence of innocent souls
to fill their empty, gnawing bellies
and smooth their tattered skin that they might,
just for this one all hallowed night
feel whole again.

So beware my friend.
Do not venture out into the shadowed street
lest you end up as demons drink and witches meat.
Light candles, hang the garlic wreath upon your door
and think no evil thoughts throughout the day
that you might keep your spirit pure
and not fall victim to the snuffling shadows
when they come to call.

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