A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A1067212 - To the Ends of the Earth

Post 1

Bob McBob

Entry: To the Ends of the Earth - A1067212
Author: Bob McBob - U222236

Do not read this entry! Do not put any comments here!

A1067212 - To the Ends of the Earth

Post 2


Ok, I won't.

A1067212 - To the Ends of the Earth

Post 3


Neither will I.

A1067212 - To the Ends of the Earth

Post 4



A1067212 - To the Ends of the Earth

Post 5


But the curiosity's killing me.

A1067212 - To the Ends of the Earth

Post 6

Bob McBob

THanks for not commaenting on my entry - much apreciated

smiley - winkeye

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