A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop
A1040969 - 15 Minutes of Fame.
a girl called Ben Posted Jul 22, 2003
This is delightful, Smudger, and deserves its own 15 minutes of fame as a piece of writing.
Thanks for posting it here. I am only that it was left to languish for so long.
A1040969 - 15 Minutes of Fame.
Smudger879n Posted Jul 23, 2003
Hi Ben, Ive just realised that you got my "Moscow" story from the Workshop, as you did this one! That explains things to me now . You see Shazz took all of mt earlier stuff, and puts it in
now, bit by bit! Im glad you liked it, again that was a reply to an earlier post I saw on the front page. I have other stories on my home page if you fancy a read, along with some poems that are on a link at the bottom of my page.
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A1040969 - 15 Minutes of Fame.
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