A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A669044 - The Aftermath

Post 1

The Moderately Strange Cornice


This is something I wrote as an English assignment a few years ago. We were asked to write an essay entitled The Aftermath, dealing with the aftermath of some major, unspecified disaster. I'd be grateful for any comments on it.

A669044 - The Aftermath

Post 2


Hi there

I read this. Nice little piece. smiley - ok

One textual query -

>>it would be very easy to give up the fight and abandon himself to the fight that was inevitable anyway

- Should the second 'fight' be 'fate'?

The only other question here is, 'What do you want to do with this piece?'

Since you posted here, I assume you realise there is unlikely to be a place for this kind of out-and-out creative writing in the 'edited guide'. I definitely think this is the right place for it. The WW and AWW don't tend to reach as wide an audience as PR, or at least, they certainly don't attract as much active participation.

If you have a look at this months h2g2 Post, you might like to read this article -


It might just tickle your proverbial! smiley - biggrin

Anyway, there *is* room for creative writing here, and you *have* come to the right place. How about having a crack at something a little more light-hearted? I look forward to hearing from you in here again.



A669044 - The Aftermath

Post 3

The Moderately Strange Cornice

Thanks! You're a better proof-reader than me. I've fixed the textual error you pointed out.

I've read the article you pointed me to. I agree - there should be a place on h2g2 for fiction, which was partly why I posted here.

Not all of my writing is as depressing as this - I'm currently working on a couple of pieces of satire. I intend to post more fiction here in the future, but taking time out from studying is hard. I'll try my best though.

You know where to come

Post 4


Sounds great, go for it. And as I say, you know where to come! smiley - ok
Spiff *looking forward to reading*

You know where to come

Post 5


This looks good!

You know where to come

Post 6

a girl called Ben

Bloody hell, fwt, you are digging deep, aren't you? And finding good stuff too.

I have read this before and it is good.

Moderately Strange Cornice - has anyone mentioned the phrase 'The Underguide' in your hearing? It is a proposed supplement to the Edited Guide intended to include fiction among other non-EG entries. The UG doesn't exist yet, but fwt and I and a few others are trawling the backlog looking for entries which might be suitable so that if it ever does start existing, we have some ready to suggest.

As I said, this is a good wee entry. I *personally* don't go a bundle on Wyndamesque post-apocalyptic fiction though this is not in fact that Wyndamesque. If the author was still around I would make some suggestions, and if he accepted them happily, I might make some more. But minor minor tweaks only. It is good as it stands, but it suffers from mild adjectivitis, which is something which happens to the best of us from time to time.

Anyways, I would endorse the decision to put this in the UG as it stands if the author does not reappear.

smiley - cheers


You know where to come

Post 7


I am: best to go to the bottom and then float up!

It is good...though could do with a little tweaks.

This does bring up another point inwhich we would have to involve the italics...though maybe not at this moment.

If we get an entry where the researcher is no longer present, that is unsuitable for the UG, then we'd have to ask them to remove it.

You know where to come

Post 8

a girl called Ben

Anna has indicated that when we are ready she is willing to help us tidy up AWW. Really we need an elephants' grave-yard. Is that the Flea Market, or does that have another purpose?


You know where to come

Post 9


Can they just be let out to roam free and float? If not methinks FM would have to do.

You know where to come

Post 10

a girl called Ben

Some of them really are impossible though: F74130?thread=80048&post=2980378#p2980378 which you have probably already seen.


You know where to come

Post 11


I see what you mean! I hadn't seen this one.

Anyone: this one is fine, and will be a good piece after a little polishing.

You know where to come

Post 12

a girl called Ben

According to GTB unsuitable entries can either go to another review forum, or be removed from all the fora.


You know where to come

Post 13

The Moderately Strange Cornice

I go away for a couple of days, and all of a sudden everyone is talking about my entry! I'm quite flattered. I'm willing to take on board any suggestions made...having re-read it properly after several years, I admit that there is room for improvement.

You know where to come

Post 14

a girl called Ben

Great news! We have had some encouraging feedback from the Italics - if we can get the scheme working they will give the Underguide some space on the Front Page!

How's that for an incentive? smiley - winkeye


You know where to come

Post 15


smiley - biggrin

You know where to come

Post 16


Ah, I love all these old postings smiley - biggrin We have come a long way, huh?

Great entry! Wonderful, powerful imagery. I'm glad you don't get bogged down in who the Invaders are. It could have ruined this, but you neatly avoided it. Good call on that, I think.

smiley - blacksheep

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