A Conversation for Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 101

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Aborigini = A member of the indigenous or earliest known population of a region; a native.

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 102


Sorry i haven't been around lately, i've been busy with exams. I did not delete the entry - it was deleted because it did not apply to the rules of H2G2 or somthing. And I really couldn't be bothered redoing the article, so maybe you ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/U132240 ) could do it because that certainly does seem like a good plan.

Anyway, I'll try to keep up with these messages, and i'll try and read a few of them.

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 103

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

still it says "deleted by the auther" but well, if you say so...

U132240, oops, that's me smiley - smiley! OK, if I get a round tuit I may come up with a draft over the weekend, but don't hold your breath.

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 104

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

loooooooooooooooooooong weekend!

smiley - sharksmiley - burgersmiley - ufo

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 105

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oooooops, yeah, right you are!

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 106

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Sorry, I was looking for something else for Just Zis Guy and ran across this.

Sorry I haven't gotten back to the Radar stuff. I've been working on my own entries and messing with the 'Coin Collector' entry and Guy"s
'Harry Harrison' and a little side project I've picked up about the redesign of the Prussian military after 1806, having to do with the fashions that influenced it and how the results influenced the world into this last century.

And I think I asked you a question on that other thread.
Which thread?

smiley - sharksmiley - burger

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 107


As Pez seems to have 'left the building', and the entry has been deleted by someone (it says Pez did it on the entry, but Pez seems to dispute this), I am going to recommend that this entry be removed from the WW.

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 108

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Well Bossels got some part of it somewhere, apparently.
What happens to this thread?
Some of the finest moments of my tiny existence were spent here.

smiley - sharksmiley - whistleOnce I Was A Young Lad, Full Of P**s and Vinegar

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 109


I thought I'd seen this thread somewhere before, can't remember what the article was, but its gone now... Just thought I'd pop in and say hello smiley - biggrin

Terran smiley - earth

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 110

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

smiley - ok Hi!

smiley - sharksmiley - whistle Shut Up And Play Your Guitar!

In memory of A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 111


Hi smiley - ok. Can you remember anything about this article (other than disliking Foreigners). I saw this article ages ago, I think not long after I started up on here.

Terran smiley - earth

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 112

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Well, the entry never was something for the edited guide and it's this thread which has all the bits and pieces. You're just reminding me of something still left to do.

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 113

Trout Montague

Please get this ejected so I can unsubscribe 'at peace'.

Thanks Your I-nesses

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 114

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oh you're right! I can't do it as a researcher but I can use my Scout's powers to take it out there smiley - smiley

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 115

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

So the thread goes bye-bye?

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 116

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

yessir, it will

A533620 - Why Do We Hate Foreigners?

Post 117


Bye everyone!

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