A Conversation for Flea Market

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Entry: Lederhosen - A51968901
Author: ViolentHill - U13867356

Another very promising Entry thid, Edited Guide material for sure. Can we get it in?

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 2


smiley - book

Might be able to pull this one up.

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 3

The H2G2 Editors

Excellent. Cheers Matt. smiley - ok

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Matt, are you still working on this? Trillian's Child wants to take it over.

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 5


TC can take my lederhosen away, no problem smiley - winkeye

i'm busy elsewhere currently smiley - smiley

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 6

You can call me TC


Here's a pair of jeans to cover your .... embarrassment ...in the meantime.

See you Sunday night, everyone, with the re-working.

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 7

You can call me TC

OK - here it is: A58530693

Have submitted it to PR.

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 8

You can call me TC

I've just realised that I'm free to add anything I know myself about the subject, so, from my experience as an au pair, I've added a tiny paragraph about lederhosen for children. It may be a little out of date, but they may be back in fashion for children, too, for all I know. As the saying goes: What goes around, comes around. Or Plus ca change.... and all that.

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 9


The re-write looked quite promising, TC. Have you considered coming back to finish this one off?


A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 10

You can call me TC

Yes BB - often!

I still have all the research I did in preparation. As it's holiday at the moment, I could have a look at it during the next few days. It's been burning a hole in my conscience and I was hoping it had got forgotten, but your reminder is very timely and very deserved. Watch this space.

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 11

h2g2 Guide Editors

smiley - bigeyes We'll all cheer you on!

smiley - biggrin

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 12

You can call me TC

Just to be sure - A58530693 isn't an approved entry?

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 13


No - otherwise in the top-right it would say: 'Entry ID: A58530693 (Edited)' rather than just 'Entry ID: A58530693' (Or if you are using Pliny, it would say 'Approved Entry' rather than just 'Entry' beneath the Infinite Improbability Drive button).


A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 14

You can call me TC

OK - got that. I also notice - rather a giveaway smiley - winkeye that there's an "edit entry" button there, too!

*Rolls up sleeves, muttering to herself*

I really must make something of this now - after this wait they'd better think it's worth it.

A51968901 - Lederhosen

Post 15


It's an article about lederhosen - what's not to love? smiley - winkeye


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