A Conversation for My Flagging Names


Post 1


I commend your bravery, sir/ma'am (still confused). I would never have the courage to let my alter-ego's/people in my head out. Mainly because they are all head cases, wield guns, or are dead.

Mind you, makes for a good book.

That would be why I am a writer then!


smiley - devil


Post 2


Martin - Wow. Just got through reading the whole thingamajiggy re: your characters (I now understand!)...quite impressed by your character development detail. And I thought I was the only one that did that. I have a whole range of people that I encorperate into stories, and in order to know them I basically make them into "grown-up" imaginary friends (they are also good company most of the time - except for when some of the nasty mean one's start to bother me). It's not completely for the same reasons (although it could be and I haven't quite figured it out yet), as yours seem to be on a purely self-gratifying level, but it is basically the same occurance. I do have a bit of child abuse and various bad treatment - bullying, neglect etc in my background, but it's not really a mental condition. I like to think of it as not only defining who I am more specifically, but also as a good use of the creative side of me. However, whereas 10 minutes ago I thought I had a pretty good standard going, you've raised the bar for me...so another level of self-improvement shall probably occur in me now. I probably won't put it all up on h2g2, being that I intend to use them for monetary thingys, but...well...I'm well gob-smacked...*appreciation*

So tally-ho and all that white-sweater weather jargon.

Understand, I now do.

smiley - devil


Post 3

Martin Harper

Well not purely self-gratification (though that is of course part of it) because I'm vaguelly trying to switch into writing as a career or at least a serious hobby. But mostly, yeah.

Other nice feature is it means I don't get trapped into being self-consistent if I don't want to be.

Glad you liked the character development. And glad to have been the inspiration for someone smiley - smiley
-Martin (et al)


Post 4


I think I sound way too overenthusiastic about something so minature (for the world of h2g2 is vast and varied) but I am well impressed with your "skills"...

Although I don't like the sound of your female counterparts. Scary. Hidden sexual preferences methinks? smiley - biggrin

smiley - rose


Post 5

Martin Harper

Not at all - it's nice to get compliments - and they're all important to *me* at least.

Hidden sexual preferences? Heh, ask Lucy smiley - smiley



Post 6


Martin - No! You tell me.

Lucinda - Although I would like to hear your top ten tips on how to catch a man... smiley - biggrin

smiley - rose


Post 7

Martin Harper

Lucinda says she wished she knew. Some kind of large net, perhaps? smiley - winkeye

Sexual preferences... like in what sense? We prefer women, if that helps, though probably wouldn't say no to the right guy... smiley - erm

You have some personal interest in the answer? *mildly amused look*


Post 8


Noooooooooooooooooooo that's dirty!!!

smiley - biggrin


Post 9

Martin Harper

Huh? What is? smiley - erm

Says the founder of 'WEE'... smiley - tongueout



Post 10


Hey! It's a rebel faction. The POO came first!

smiley - spork

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