A Conversation for Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Questions only (game one)

Post 361


Isn't it yourssmiley - winkeye?

Questions only (game one)

Post 362

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Would anyone care for some home brew?

Would cheesey nibbles go down OK?

Questions only (game one)

Post 363

Yeliab {h2g2as}

From which home?

Questions only (game one)

Post 364


Does it matter?

Questions only (game one)

Post 365

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Do you not think it should?

Questions only (game one)

Post 366


Why do you ask?

Questions only (game one)

Post 367

Paladin of the Lost Hour

Are we in the extremely short, simple questions phase of the game?

Questions only (game one)

Post 368

Brian of Bourne

Do people talk to book keepers?

Questions only (game one)

Post 369

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

Book keepers or bookmakers??

Questions only (game one)

Post 370


Have you met my accountant?

Questions only (game one)

Post 371

Brian of Bourne

Who are you calling an ant?

Questions only (game one)

Post 372

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

Who's asking?
Do I care?
Are you looking for a fight??

Questions only (game one)

Post 373

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Are you both drinking loopy juice?

Questions only (game one)

Post 374

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Arn't these guestions ment to relate to each other?

Questions only (game one)

Post 375

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Doesn't loopy juice make you argumentative?

salohcin, would you care for some home-made rhubarb wine?

Questions only (game one)

Post 376


How do you make that then?

Questions only (game one)

Post 377


Are we having fun yet?

Questions only (game one)

Post 378


we are meant to be having fun?!?

Questions only (game one)

Post 379

Brian of Bourne

Who are WE ?

Questions only (game one)

Post 380

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

Who are YOU?????

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