A Conversation for The Cheese for President

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 21


Yeah. ANARCHY RULES!!! Check out the gents in Aroma Cafe. I saw some anarchistic people in there earlier.

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 22


Well, let me say this: I'll wait to see how far the voice of the majority will go. I'm not so sure I want to be a part of guerilla (not gorilla) tactics or be known around h2g2 as waging a bloody coup.

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 23


Well, on the basis of it you have my vote, but I've not checked out anyone elses policies, so it feels kinda non-democratic

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 24

The Cheese

smiley - smiley

Feel free to wait, there's no rush at all.

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 25


I realize I don't frequent all the haunts, but am I missing something here? Is there a general campaign headquarters somewhere? Geez, Cheese-it must be lonely on that ballot but at least there's no competition for votes.

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 26

The Cheese

Try going to the h2g2 POST, ox - http://www.h2g2.com/U54963 - next week there should be a preliminary lineup.

The candidates I know of are:

Demon Drawer
Marv the Grate
Fenchurch M. Mercury

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 27


Thanks, Cheese!

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 28


Hey, Cheese! http://www.h2g2.com/F46364?thread=61482

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 29

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Sorry I haven't been here for a while but I thought I should come past as I am supposed to be deputy.....

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 30

Demon Drawer

*DD starts round of applause for the arrival of the vice*

Sorry Katsy everyone else seems to have left. LOL

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 31

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

*Sobs because no-one can see her trail of destruction*

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 32

The Cheese

everyone pleez see new background for Prez. page

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 33

The Cheese

(my Prez page, not the POST one, of course)

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 34

Demon Drawer

Of course. smiley - smiley

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 35

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

My brother is leaving h2g2 smiley - sadface

Questions, Contributions, Anyone?

Post 36

Demon Drawer

Aw!!! That's sad. smiley - sadface

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