A Conversation for Rain

Saving for a rainy day

Post 1

Millennium Bug

Canada doesn't have the monopoly on rain, over across the puddle in Ye Olde England we get our fair share of rain too. I guess I'm weird, I like it when it rains, especially on warm days so you can open the windows to hear the sound and smell the fresh air it brings along with the hint of green plant life.

Saving for a rainy day

Post 2

Zaphods Girl

I happen to hate rain. And I don't like it either. I think that poor
British Columbia- the lower mainland, vancouver island, Nanaimo- is
cursed with rain. So I happen to have a problem. I feel sorry for
people who have to deal with a lot of rain. That is all.

Saving for a rainy day

Post 3


Tourists from holland don't think the rain in Nanaimo is all that bad. It felt very comfortable. A bit like home. It's the hills we're afraid of.

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