A Conversation for have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Peer Review: A31854206 - have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Post 1

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

Entry: have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet. - A31854206
Author: eilatan_ttiweh_ - U4746644

I'm just suprised that my teacher is just so ignorant

A31854206 - have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Post 2


Have you noticed that if you write your nickname backwards it spells Natalie Hewitt?smiley - winkeye

Why don't you pass your teacher an anonymous note saying 'Hey, teacher! Just 'cos some of us are quiet, it doesn't mean you should ignore us. Don't be so ignorant!'

A31854206 - have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Post 3


If you want it to be anonymous type it, don't handwrite it or s/he'll know it's you.

A31854206 - have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Post 4

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

i don't want to ruin itsmiley - winkeye

A31854206 - have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Post 5

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

I'm doing it again with another teacher now, she has come over and talked to the person to my right, and still didn't notice

imcompidentsmiley - sadface

A31854206 - have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Post 6

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

i'm in yet another lesson with a bad teacher
muhahaha smiley - winkeye

A31854206 - have you ever noticed that school teachers will not notice you if you are quiet.

Post 7

Persephone - Creator of the best typos around!

help me

suply teacher is moaning
why doesn't it work?

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