A Conversation for Onomatopoeia

Community Art Requests: A26421897 - Onomatopoeia

Post 1

Einmoto - CoachAntony

Entry: Onomatopoeia - A26421897
Author: ZWEIMOTO - U9530076

I wanted to put this article in the:
Collaborative Writing Workshop but this was not listed in the drop down menu??

A26421897 - Onomatopoeia

Post 2


That's not really a good reason for dumping it here instead though.

You could have gone over to <./>Feedback</.> to query why the option was missing. Or, better, you could have looked at <./>RF3</.> itself properly, seen how old the most recent entries were, clicked on the most recent ongoing discussion and seen for yourself what the situation was:

477?thread=47752/thread/630016" >F57152?thread=630016&latest=1

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Community Art Requests: A26421897 - Onomatopoeia

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