A Conversation for Greebo And Oss's Word Game!!!

Club House #1

Post 41


*Empty space where Gwennie was standing....* All that remains are discarded vodka bottles....

Club House #1

Post 42


just remember that you cannot open the curtain without harming our poor Greebo...Garibaldi has to make it safe and right now he is not willing to do that smiley - sadface...he wants to finish his terrible experiment smiley - sadface
poor, poor Greebo smiley - sadface
monsy smiley - fish

Club House #1

Post 43


~Greebo appears~

Me has been rescued from that devilish Garibaldi... ~grin~

Me is BACK!!!!

Club House #1

Post 44


YYYEEEAAAAAA!!! this calls for a round of donuts milk and straws (the fancy ones)
*magically produces a tray and places it in front of Greebo*
monsy smiley - fish

Club House #1

Post 45


~Greebo hungrily tucks in~

Club House #1

Post 46


Manners, Greebo! Slow down - it won't get up and run away...... Second thoughts, it probably would around here... smiley - winkeye

Well then! This calls for drinkies all round.... What's everyone's poison? *Hides the vodka bottle behind back* We appear to be out of vodka though..... *Whistles innocently...*

Club House #1

Post 47


Coooo... me will have a milk please... ~grin~

Club House #1

Post 48


*Produces very long glass of milk with a giant straw* There ye go! smiley - smiley

Club House #1

Post 49



Cooooo... that was just puuuuuurrrrrfectttt...

~grin... Greebo wipes her mouth with her paw~

Club House #1

Post 50


Not knowing where you live Greebo, I was wondering if you've ever seen the comedy series "Bottom" with Ade Edmonson and Rick Mayall?

*Produces a large container of milk and starts to pour out Greebo another glass...*

Club House #1

Post 51


~grin~... me mostly resides on line... but any spare time me has... me visits sunny England... where me lives in a little hovel with my soon to be hubby Stooby... ~bigger grin~... and to answer your question... yes me has seen bottom... and me also a fan of Blackadder... Farty Owls... Oppsss always get that wrong... Manuels fault... as usual... ~grin~... and loads of other great comedy's... but not alas Mr. Bean...

Club House #1

Post 52


I love anything by Ben Elton, especially his books..... "The Thin Blue Line" was really funny. My little boy, Christopher loves "Mr. Bean" and has two VERY long videos which he sometimes watches over and over again. It's okay in small doses, but two to three hours of it, followed by the movie....... *sigh!*

What did you think of "Let Them Eat Cake?". It cracks John up but I only found bits of it funny.... maybe I haven't paid it enough attention while it's been on.

The Black Adder second and third series were my favourites I think... although they're all really good. We've got the Flowery Twats videos and they're ALWAYS good for a laugh. smiley - smiley

Club House #1

Post 53


Sorry me can't type... me laughing so hard... me would love some Floppy Tits videos... ~grin~

Club House #1

Post 54


The videos are availbale in most shops for about £10 each, I think although they're also available as a boxed set.... Stick the boxed set on your wedding pressie list and if anyone asks what they're for, you can tell 'em they're for watching on your honeymoon in case your too tired to go out!!! smiley - winkeye

Club House #1

Post 55


Ohhhh... good idea... tis a better gift than that mahogany loo seat... ~grin~.... fake mahogany me might add... ~bigger grin~

Club House #1

Post 56


John, who's put on heaps of weight in the past couple of years (due to medication mostly), broke our wooden fake mahogany loo seat - on his 40th birthday too while he was having his morning constitutional! It split at the front nearly entrapping his genetalia, smiley - smiley so he had to perform a backward leap to avoid de-knackering himself! It was the way he produced the broken loo seat, hiding it behind his back and telling me not to laugh or tell anyone when he came downstairs.... Still, it's on the internet now... *wicked chuckle* smiley - smiley

I need your help for a change - OK!!!

Post 57


As you strike me as an articulate lot I need your help.

My 'infernal' friend has had the wood on me over the last couple of Millennia or so, and I need your acroymn skills so I can as it were tease him. Not particularly Godly behaviour mind, but he just makes me so MAD!!!

* definite rumbling sound is now audible *

So, if you can come up with a good one for DEVIL, then there might be an 'access all areas' pass to heaven in it for you. Well some of you, if I'm feeling particularly generous, well let's not discuss some of the things I've seen Greebo get up to, some of which might even be an anatomical impossibility.

smiley - fish - THE Boss.

I need your help for a change - OK!!!

Post 58


Articulate? Moi? *Looks bashfull* I've never been called that before now! *Thinks God Almighty must be refering to the others...*

Well, I'd love to help out but it may be a tad difficult as I don't believe in you or any other omnipotent beings....

Still - what have you got in mind and where would you like us to start? smiley - winkeye

I need your help for a change - OK!!!

Post 59

Ossario T'an

Kia Ora, GOD - almighty !

As one of the originators of this acronym game in this form on H2G2, I have taken the liberty to commence a game "Devil = ?" which you'll find by scrolling down the left-hand column.


I need your help for a change - OK!!!

Post 60


Hey... it's the almighty snuggly one himself... ~grin~... hi there God my good and dear chum... ~bigger grin~... there's no need to try to start an argument in this forum... we are already having a go in the other forum... isn't that enough for one incontinent being???? hmmm... me not sure of my spelling there... ~mischevious grin~...

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