A Conversation for Demonology

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 101


Actually thats the plan is to start at page one of the discussions, cut and paste every thing that needs changing, ommit repeats, print it and then start from there.

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 102

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

hows this entry going ?

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 103

Kat - From H2G2


Is this happening?

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 104


As far as I know its done on my end. Changed every spelling or grammatical matter raised and don't really have much to add.

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 105

Skankyrich [?]

You haven't though; I've just had a quick look at some of the latest mistakes that were pointed and they're still there!

You do realise that entries won't actually get picked until you've done this, don't you? Running it through a spell check won't pick up places where you've put 'then' instead of 'than', you know....

It's a shame, because this would probably have got picked a while ago if you had just made the changes romemmended!

smiley - cheers

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 106

Gnomon - time to move on

I recommended that KevinM shoud remove his Magick entry from Peer Review unless he was willing to put the work into tidying it up. He has done this and he has removed this one from Peer Review too.

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 107

Gnomon - time to move on

A2288711 - Demonology

Post 108


TO put it a better way I got tired of listening to rude impatience and decided to remove myself from this message board posing as a guid.

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